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the mission of the democratic party of clarion county we are Clarion County Democrats. We fight forthe well-being of our neighbors and community. We believe policies that stress liberty, equity, compassion, and inclusivity are true American values that enable rural commuities to thrive. Get involved by volunteering, get involved by contributing, bet involved by staying updated, get involved by running for office with the logo of the democratic party of clarion county
clarion dems float in the Autumn Leaf Festival parade

The Democratic Party is the world's oldest active party, being founded in 1828. The Party organization consists of three tiers: National, State, and County.  Collectively, the Party works together to elect Local, State and Federal Democrats.

The Democratic Party is led at the national level by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  The following are just a few of the roles of the DNC:

  • Plan the Party's presidential nominating convention

  • Promote the Democratic platform

  • Raise money, hire staff, and coordinate strategy to support candidates

At the State level is the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, which is governed by the Democratic State Committee.  Founded in 1792, the Committee is responsible for directing and promoting the guiding principles and core values of the institution. Find out more about the State Committee.

Locally, the Democratic Party of Clarion County is committed to making sure our voice is heard not only in Harrisburg, but in Washington, D.C. as well.  We actively work to support local candidates and promote Democratic ideals in Clarion County. We are led by our Chairman, as well as our Executive Committee.

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