Governor Wolf's 2017 Budget Fact Sheet
The following is from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party website (
Earlier today, Governor Wolf introduced a budget that continues to move Pennsylvania forward using a different approach from the failed policies of the past.
Since his first day in office, Governor Wolf has promised to prioritize issues important to Pennsylvania families — like protecting our seniors and education, working with law enforcement and medical professionals to battle the opioid and heroin epidemic, and rebuilding Pennsylvania’s middle class by putting more people to work.
Overall, Governor Wolf’s budget includes more than $2 billion in cuts, savings, and efficiencies. This is a different approach that still allows for key initiatives like:
Investing more than $200 million in education, including early childhood and K through 12 education
Closing corporate tax loopholes and making oil and gas companies pay their fair share
Giving seniors more options for receiving care in their own homes
Investing in middle-class families through workforce training and job creation at all levels
Raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $12.00 per hour
Consolidating government functions, cutting red tape and bureaucracy, and making government more efficient
There is still more work to do, and this budget takes a different approach to tackling those issues and keeping our Commonwealth on a path to long-term fiscal stability.
We’ve prepared a fact sheet that explains details of the new budget which you can view and share below.