Brews for Blue Fundraiser a Success
The Democratic Party of Clarion County hosted a fundraiser, Brews for Blue, on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at Clarion River Brewing Company. Tickets for the event sold out, and featured several candidates running for election in 2018:
John Fetterman, Candidate for Lt. Governor
Craig Lehman, Candidate for Lt. Governor
Susan Boser, Candidate for U.S. Congress, 15th District
Wade Jodun, Candidate for U.S. Congress, 15th District
The event also included live music from Samantha Sears, a basket raffle from several generous donors, and delicious beer and food from Clarion River Brewing Company.
After expenses, the Democratic Party of Clarion County netted approximately $1,000 to put toward a headquarters and other operational expenses to help turn PA blue in this year's general election. We want to extend our sincerest gratitude for everyone that helped make this event a huge success!