Clarion County Democrats to host Austin Davis and Mike Molesevich October 6th for their Fall Mixer!

The Clarion County Democrats are excited to host Lieutenant Governor Candidate Austin Davis and Mike Molesevich, the candidate for the PA 15th congressional seat Thursday, October 6th for the Fall Mixer. The event will be held at the Democratic Headquarters for Clarion County located at 849 E Main St Clarion PA 16214 in the 800 Center Plaza.
The evening's festivities will start at 5:30 pm with a happy hour where Drinks will be included and appetizers will be provided by Dana Troese. Then at 6:30 remarks will start with a collection of remarks from local Clarion County Democrats and then Mike Molesevich and Austin Davis will speak, kicking off the Get Out The Vote season for the 2022 election cycle.

Tickets will be $25.00 for Adult mixers and University Students can purchase tickets at a reduced rate of only $10.00.
Can't make it but still want to help make the event a success? You can donate tickets to help make this mixer a night to remember.
Tickets can be purchased online through Act Blue which can be accessed at the link below.